Passion to Pasyon: Playing Militarism

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    These essays discuss trauma studies as refracted through literature, focusing on the many ways in which the terms 'cultural trauma' and 'personal trauma' intertwine in postcolonial fiction. In a catastrophic age such as the present, trauma itself may serve to provide linkage through cross-cultural understanding and new forms of community. Western colonization needs to be theorized in terms of the infliction of collective trauma, and the postcolonial process is itself a post-traumatic cultural formation and condition. Moreover, the West's claim on trauma studies (via the Holocaust) needs to be put in a perspective recuperating other, non-Western experiences.Geo-historical areas covered include Africa (genital alteration) and, more specifically, South Africa (apartheid), the Caribbean (racial and gendered violence in Trinidad; the trauma of Haiti), and Asia (total war in the Philippines; ethnic violence in India compared to 9/11). Special attention is devoted to Australia (Aboriginal and multicultural aspects of traumatic experience) and New Zealand (the Maori Battalion). Writers treated include J.M. Coetzee, Shani Mootoo, Edwidge Danticat, Richard Flanagan, Janette Turner Hospital, Andrew McGahan, Tim Winton, and Patricia Grace. Illuminating insights are provided by creative writers (Merlinda Bobis and Meena Alexander)
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Splintered Glass. Facets of Trauma in the Post-Colony and Beyond
    EditorsDolores Herrero and Sonia Baelo-Allue
    Place of PublicationAmsterdam
    PublisherEditions Rodopi
    ISBN (Print)9789042033887
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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