Passivation of InP solar cells using large area hexagonal-BN layers

Vidur Raj*, Dipankar Chugh, Lachlan E. Black, Mohamed M. Shehata, Li Li, Felipe Kremer, Daniel H. Macdonald, Hark Hoe Tan*, Chennupati Jagadish

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Surface passivation is crucial for many high-performance solid-state devices, especially solar cells. It has been proposed that 2D hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) films can provide near-ideal passivation due to their wide bandgap, lack of dangling bonds, high dielectric constant, and easy transferability to a range of substrates without disturbing their bulk properties. However, so far, the passivation of hBN has been studied for small areas, mainly because of its small sizes. Here, we report the passivation characteristics of wafer-scale, few monolayers thick, hBN grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Using a recently reported ITO/i-InP/p+-InP solar cell structure, we show a significant improvement in solar cell performance utilizing a few monolayers of hBN as the passivation layer. Interface defect density (at the hBN/i-InP) calculated using C–V measurement was 2 × 1012 eV−1cm−2 and was found comparable to several previously reported passivation layers. Thus, hBN may, in the future, be a possible candidate to achieve high-quality passivation. hBN-based passivation layers can mainly be useful in cases where the growth of lattice-matched passivation layers is complicated, as in the case of thin-film vapor–liquid–solid and close-spaced vapor transport-based III–V semiconductor growth techniques.

Original languageEnglish
Article number12
Journalnpj 2D Materials and Applications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021


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