Pliocene-Quaternary history of Futuna Island, South Vanuatu, Southwest pacific

G. Neef*, M. T. McCulloch

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)


    U-series ages from thermal ionisation mass spectrometry are reported here for the raised coral reefs of Futuna Island, which lies adjacent to the eastern margin of the backarc Futuna Trough in south Vanuatu, southwest Pacific. U-series ages from coral from the lowest raised reef indicate that its upper part is most likely to be ca 210 ka, whereas the most elevated raised reef has a likely age of ca 520 ka (range 600-440 ka). The inferred Pliocene-Quaternary history for Futuna Island and the adjacent Futuna Trough is: (i) formation of the Pliocene - Early Quaternary basaltic-andesite cone in a southeast part of the Vanuatu Island Arc; (ii) inception of the Futuna Trough (adjacent to the west margin of Futuna Island) since 1.8 Ma; (iii) subsequent uplift of the volcanic cone above sea-level caused ∼500 m of its upper part to be removed by marine erosion; (iv) the island then subsided and at least 160 m of limestone was deposited on the truncated cone; and (v) during the period 520 ka to ca 210 ka seven fringing reefs formed at the margin of the cone as the island was uplifted. Since ca 210 ka Futuna further subsided and, as a result, the post ca 210 ka history of the island is obscure.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)805-814
    Number of pages10
    JournalAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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