Policy options for offshore wind power in Vietnam

Thang Nam Do*, Paul J. Burke, Llewelyn Hughes, Ta Dinh Thi

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    20 Citations (Scopus)


    This study assesses key barriers to offshore wind power (OWP) development in Vietnam and policy options for the development of the sector. A survey of 39 experts from government agencies, research institutions, industry, and civil society plus 22 follow-up interviews were conducted over January–September 2021, coupled with a broader analysis of key barriers and policy options. The analysis finds that an underdeveloped policy environment, incomplete procedures, and infrastructure and supply chain immaturity are key current barriers to OWP development in Vietnam. Recommended policy measures include: 1) setting a clear vision and ambitious target for OWP development, 2) adopting a renewable portfolio standard while charting the way for a move from feed-in tariffs to reverse auctions, 3) clarifying that OWP project developers are to self-connect to onshore grids, and 4) developing a streamlined leasing and licensing process within an integrated overall electricity and marine policy. If enabled by well-designed policy, OWP has the potential to play a key role in Vietnam's emission reduction and energy availability efforts.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number105080
    JournalMarine Policy
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022


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