Position paper: Open web-distributed integrated geographic modelling and simulation to enable broader participation and applications

Min Chen, Alexey Voinov, Daniel P. Ames, Albert J. Kettner, Jonathan L. Goodall, Anthony J. Jakeman, Michael C. Barton, Quillon Harpham, Susan M. Cuddy, Cecelia DeLuca, Songshan Yue, Jin Wang, Fengyuan Zhang, Yongning Wen, Guonian Lü*

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    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    102 Citations (Scopus)


    Integrated geographic modelling and simulation is a computational means to improve understanding of the environment. With the development of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and web technologies, it is possible to conduct open, extensible integrated geographic modelling across a network in which resources can be accessed and integrated, and further distributed geographic simulations can be performed. This open web-distributed modelling and simulation approach is likely to enhance the use of existing resources and can attract diverse participants. With this approach, participants from different physical locations or domains of expertise can perform comprehensive modelling and simulation tasks collaboratively. This paper reviews past integrated modelling and simulation systems, highlighting the associated development challenges when moving to an open web-distributed system. A conceptual framework is proposed to introduce a roadmap from a system design perspective, with potential use cases provided. The four components of this conceptual framework - a set of standards, a resource sharing environment, a collaborative integrated modelling environment, and a distributed simulation environment - are also discussed in detail with the goal of advancing this emerging field.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number103223
    JournalEarth-Science Reviews
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020


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