Positive Disruption? China's Humanitarian Aid

    Research output: Other contribution


    The first section gives a snapshot of Chinese humanitarian aid in the Asia-Pacific region. The second section examines the challenges and opportunities in relation to humanitarian reform in disaster contexts, including localisation, the humanitarian-development nexus, and diversifying resources. Finally, we suggest practical points of engagement for Chinese and traditional humanitarian actors. The scope of this paper is limited to operational engagement on humanitarian reform objectives; it does not consider broader geo-strategic issues in the region, human rights issues or conflict contexts. This paper is part of the Humanitarian Horizons practice paper series, and intends to stimulate discussion and inform practice. It looks beyond business-as-usual approaches to humanitarian aid, focusing instead on practical issues of engagement.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherHumanitarian Advisory Group, Beijing Normal University
    Place of PublicationMelbourne, Australia
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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