Preparation of hydroxylated lecithin complexed iodine/carboxymethyl chitosan/sodium alginate composite membrane by microwave drying and its applications in infected burn wound treatment

Yu Chen*, Haiying Qiu, Miheng Dong, Bin Cheng, Yiguang Jin, Zongrui Tong, Puwang Li, Sidong Li, Ziming Yang

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    51 Citations (Scopus)


    Improving the antibacterial properties of membrane wound dressings of natural polymers is crucial. Iodine is an important safe inorganic antibacterial agent, but was confined in the composition with polymer membranes due to the challenges of homogeneity and stability during drying. In the present work, iodine was complexed with hydroxylated lecithin (HL) to improve its stability and complexing efficiency for the composition with carboxymethly chitosan/sodium alginate. With the aid of microwave drying, hydroxylated lecithin complexed iodine/carboxymethly chitosan/sodium alginate (HLI/CMCS/SA) composite membranes with homogeneously distributions of HLI, high contents of activated iodine, good mechanical and swelling properties, proper water vapor permeability, pH controllable iodine release and excellent antibacterial properties were prepared. The composite membranes exhibited high repairing efficiencies for the infection of a rat model of the seawater immersed wound infection of deep partial-thickness burns. This novel antibacterial composite membrane can be potentially used as a high performance wound dressing for treating and repairing open trauma infections.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)435-445
    Number of pages11
    JournalCarbohydrate Polymers
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2019


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