Prolonged Parental Feeding in Tool-Using New Caledonian Crows

Gavin R. Hunt*, Jennifer C. Holzhaider, Russell D. Gray

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23 Citations (Scopus)


According to life-history theory, the duration of extended parental feeding is determined by the costs and benefits of maximising reproductive success. Therefore, the length of regular parental provisioning should be correlated with the time required for juveniles to acquire the skills that they need to be independent. The relatively few cases of extremely prolonged parental feeding in both land and sea birds appear to be consistent with this prediction because they are associated with learning-intensive foraging techniques. New Caledonian crows have the most intricate tool manufacture techniques amongst non-human animals and juveniles take over 1yr to reach adult-like proficiency in their tool skills. We investigated the prediction that this species also should have prolonged parental provisioning. We found that these crows have one of the longest known periods of regular extended parental provisioning in birds. Some parents regularly fed juveniles for up to 10mo post-fledging. Humans also stand out amongst primates because of their learning-intensive foraging strategies and an extended period of juvenile dependence. The independently evolved association between a relatively high level of technological skill in foraging and prolonged juvenile provisioning in both humans and New Caledonian crows raises the possibility that these two characteristics might be causally related.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)423-430
Number of pages8
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2012
Externally publishedYes


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