Quasi-perfect scheme-maps and boundedness of the twisted inverse image functor

Joseph Lipman*, Amnon Neeman

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    32 Citations (Scopus)


    For a map f : X → Y of quasi-compact quasi-separated schemes, we discuss quasi-perfection, i.e., the right adjoint fx of Rf* respects small direct sums. This is equivalent to the existence of a functorial isomorphism fxOYL Lf*( - ) →∼ fx( - ); to quasi-properness (preservation by Rf* of pseudo-coherence, or just properness in the noetherian case) plus boundedness of Lf* (finite tor-dimensionality), or of the functor fx; and to some other conditions. We use a globalization, previously known only for divisorial schemes, of the local definition of pseudo-coherence of complexes, as well as a refinement of the known fact that the derived category of complexes with quasi-coherent homology is generated by a single perfect complex.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)209-236
    Number of pages28
    JournalIllinois Journal of Mathematics
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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