Razor gang must establish harsh discipline

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationGeneral Article


    TREASURER Wayne Swan has reportedly refused to guarantee that he would not reduce defence spending in the 2008-09 budget, despite assurances of no cuts to defence by Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner. But why should defence not have its budget reviewed by Kevin Rudd's razor gang? It is one thing for Labor to honour one of its election promises "to (maintain) defence spending, including a minimum annual 3 per cent real growth". It is another matter altogether to treat the defence budget as sacrosanct. Indeed, the Labor Party's election policy for defence also included a commitment "to (ensure) that defence dollars are spent more effectively and efficiently".
    Original languageEnglish
    No.February 11, 2008
    Specialist publicationThe Australian
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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