Rb3In(SO4)3: a defluorinated mixed main-group metal sulfate for ultraviolet transparent nonlinear optical materials with a large optical band gap

Qinke Xu, Xingxing Jiang, Chao Wu, Lin Lin, Zhipeng Huang, Zheshuai Lin, Mark G. Humphrey, Chi Zhang*

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    18 Citations (Scopus)


    Ultraviolet (UV) nonlinear optical (NLO) materials possess important practical applications in modern laser science and technology, which are attracting significant research interest in the fields of chemistry, physics and materials science. A fluorinated mixed main-group metal sulfate and its defluorinated analogue, Rb2InF3(SO4) (RIFSO) and Rb3In(SO4)3(RISO), were designed and synthesized for NLO studyviamild hydrothermal methods. RIFSO unfortunately crystallizes in centric space groupPbcn(no. 60) while RISO crystallizes in acentric space groupR3c(no. 161). Both of them exhibit a one-dimensional chain structure composed of corner-shared [InO2F4] or [InO6] and [SO4] groups. Optical property studies reveal that RISO displays a large band gap (5.75 eV) corresponding to a short UV cut-off edge (215 nm), a moderate second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency of ∼0.5 times that of KH2PO4(KDP) with phase-matchable performance, and high thermostability (>800 °C), demonstrating its potential as an applicable UV NLO material. First-principles calculations have been performed to further elucidate the structure-property relationship of RISO.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)5124-5131
    Number of pages8
    JournalJournal of Materials Chemistry C
    Issue number15
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Apr 2021


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