Real-Time Source-Independent Quantum Random-Number Generator with Squeezed States

Thibault Michel*, Jing Yan Haw, Davide G. Marangon, Oliver Thearle, Giuseppe Vallone, Paolo Villoresi, Ping Koy Lam, Syed M. Assad

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    32 Citations (Scopus)


    Random numbers are a fundamental ingredient in fields such as simulation, modeling, and cryptography. Good random numbers should be independent and uniformly distributed. Moreover, for cryptographic applications, they should also be unpredictable. A fundamental feature of quantum theory is that certain measurement outcomes are intrinsically random and unpredictable. These can be harnessed to provide unconditionally secure random numbers. We demonstrate a real-time self-testing source-independent quantum random-number generator (SI QRNG) that uses squeezed light as a source. We generate secure random numbers by measuring the quadratures of the electromagnetic field without making any assumptions about the source other than an energy bound; only the detection device is trusted. We use homodyne detection to measure alternately the Q^ and P^ conjugate quadratures of our source. P^ measurements allow us to estimate a bound on any classical or quantum side information that a malicious eavesdropper may obtain. This bound gives the minimum number of secure bits we can extract from the Q^ measurement. We discuss the performance of different estimators for this bound. We operate this QRNG with a squeezed-state source and compare its performance with a thermal-state source. This is a demonstration of a QRNG using a squeezed state, as well as an implementation of real-time quadrature switching for a SI QRNG.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number034017
    JournalPhysical Review Applied
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Sept 2019


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