Recommended nuclear data for medical radioisotope production: diagnostic positron emitters

F. T. Tárkányi, A. V. Ignatyuk, A. Hermanne, R. Capote*, B. V. Carlson, J. W. Engle, M. A. Kellett, T. Kibédi, G. N. Kim, F. G. Kondev, M. Hussain, O. Lebeda, A. Luca, Y. Nagai, H. Naik, A. L. Nichols, F. M. Nortier, S. V. Suryanarayana, S. Takács, M. Verpelli

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    56 Citations (Scopus)


    An IAEA coordinated research project that began in 2012 and ended in 2016 was primarily dedicated to the compilation, evaluation and recommendation of cross-section data for the production of medical radionuclides. One significant part of this work focused on diagnostic positron emitters. These particular studies consist of 69 reactions for direct and indirect or generator production of 44 Sc( 44 Ti), 52m Mn( 52 Fe), 52g Mn, 55 Co, 61 Cu, 62 Cu( 62 Zn), 66 Ga, 68 Ga( 68 Ge), 72 As( 72 Se), 73 Se, 76 Br, 82 Rb( 82 Sr), 82m Rb, 86 Y, 89 Zr, 90 Nb, 94m Tc, 110m In( 110 Sn), 118 Sb( 118 Te), 120 I, 122 I( 122 Xe), 128 Cs( 128 Ba), and 140 Pr( 140 Nd) medical radionuclides. The resulting reference cross-section data were obtained from Padé fits to selected and corrected experimental data, and integral thick target yields were subsequently deduced. Uncertainties in the fitted results were estimated via a Padé least-squares method with the addition of a 4% assessed systematic uncertainty. Experimental data were also compared with theoretical predictions available from the TENDL-2015 and TENDL-2017 libraries. All of the numerical reference cross-section data with their corresponding uncertainties and deduced integral thick target yields are available on-line at the IAEA-NDS medical portal and also at the IAEA-NDS web page

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)533-666
    Number of pages134
    JournalJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2019


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