Reflecting on Race, Politics and Sport

Colin Tatz

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review


    This essay is a reflective overview of Aboriginal and Islander sport, locating their sporting achievements across the decades and in the contexts of several policy eras: the genocidal period, the protectionsegregation regime, the assimilation and integration ages, the present era of autonomy. The essay focuses on the obstacles in the way of sporting success to the point where these minorities have not only become predominant in the stadium sports but have come into their own in sports either previously closed to them or not readily accessible. While sport has done much for individuals, sport as such has had little impact on many communities now in states of distress.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-11
    JournalSporting Traditions
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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