Ring Dirac solitons in nonlinear topological systems

Alexander N. Poddubny, Daria A. Smirnova

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    26 Citations (Scopus)


    We study solitons of the two-dimensional nonlinear Dirac equation with asymmetric cubic nonlinearity. We show that with the nonlinearity parameters specifically tuned, a high degree of localization of both spinor components is enabled on a ring of certain radius. Such ring Dirac soliton can be viewed as a self-induced nonlinear domain wall and can be implemented in nonlinear photonic graphene lattice with Kerr-like nonlinearities. Our model could be instructive for understanding localization mechanisms in nonlinear topological systems.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number013827
    JournalPhysical Review A
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Jul 2018


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