Rounded rear pyramidal texture for high efficiency silicon solar cells

Ngwe Zin, Keith McIntosh, Teng Kho, Evan Franklin, Kean Fong, Matthew Stocks, Er Chien Wang, Tom Ratcliff, Andrew Blakers

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    15 Citations (Scopus)


    Interdigitated back-contact (IBC) solar cells developed in the past two years have efficiencies in the range 24.4%-25.6% As high as these efficiencies are, there are opportunities to increase them further by improving on the light trapping. Silicon solar cells incorporating double-sided pyramidal texture are capable of superior light trapping than cells with texture on just the front. One of the principle losses of double-sided pyramidal texture is the light that escapes after a second pass through the cell when the facet angles are the same on the front and rear. This contribution investigates how this loss might be reduced by changing the facet angle of the rear pyramids. A textured pyramid rounding is introduced to improve the light trapping. The reduction in surface recombination that rounding the facets introduces is also evaluated. With confocal microscopy, spectrophotometry and ray tracing, the rounding etch time required to yield the best light trapping is investigated. With photoconductance lifetime measurements, the surface recombination is found to continue to decrease as the rounding time increases. The spectrophotometry and ray tracing suggests that the double sided textured samples featuring rounded rear pyramids have superior light trapping to the sample with a planar rear surface. The high-efficiency potential of rounded textured pyramids in silicon solar cells is demonstrated by the fabrication of 24% efficient back-contact silicon solar cells.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, PVSC 2016
    PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Electronic)9781509027248
    Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2016
    Event43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, PVSC 2016 - Portland, United States
    Duration: 5 Jun 201610 Jun 2016

    Publication series

    NameConference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
    ISSN (Print)0160-8371


    Conference43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, PVSC 2016
    Country/TerritoryUnited States


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