title = "Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson into b b¯ and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector",
abstract = "A search for the exotic decay of the Higgs boson (H) into a bb¯ resonance plus missing transverse momentum is described. The search is performed with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider using 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at s = 13 TeV. The search targets events from ZH production in an NMSSM scenario where H → χ~20χ~10, with χ~20→aχ~10, where a is a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson and χ~1,20 are the two lightest neutralinos. The decay of the a boson into a pair of b-quarks results in a peak in the dijet invariant mass distribution. The final-state signature consists of two leptons, two or more jets, at least one of which is identified as originating from a b-quark, and missing transverse momentum. Observations are consistent with Standard Model expectations and upper limits are set on the product of cross section times branching ratio for a three-dimensional scan of the masses of the χ~20, χ~10 and a boson. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]",
keywords = "Beyond Standard Model, Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments), Supersymmetry",
author = "{The ATLAS collaboration} and G. Aad and B. Abbott and Abbott, {D. C.} and {Abed Abud}, A. and K. Abeling and Abhayasinghe, {D. K.} and Abidi, {S. H.} and H. Abramowicz and H. Abreu and Y. Abulaiti and {Abusleme Hoffman}, {A. C.} and Acharya, {B. S.} and B. Achkar and L. Adam and {Adam Bourdarios}, C. and L. Adamczyk and L. Adamek and Addepalli, {S. V.} and J. Adelman and A. Adiguzel and S. Adorni and T. Adye and Affolder, {A. A.} and Y. Afik and C. Agapopoulou and Agaras, {M. N.} and J. Agarwala and A. Aggarwal and C. Agheorghiesei and Aguilar-Saavedra, {J. A.} and A. Ahmad and F. Ahmadov and Ahmed, {W. S.} and X. Ai and G. Aielli and I. Aizenberg and S. Akatsuka and M. Akbiyik and {\AA}kesson, {T. P.A.} and Akimov, {A. V.} and {Al Khoury}, K. and Alberghi, {G. L.} and J. Albert and {Alconada Verzini}, {M. J.} and S. Alderweireldt and M. Aleksa and Aleksandrov, {I. N.} and C. Alexa and T. Alexopoulos and McNamara, {P. C.}",
note = "Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2022, The Author(s).",
year = "2022",
month = jan,
doi = "10.1007/JHEP01(2022)063",
language = "English",
volume = "2022",
journal = "Journal of High Energy Physics",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
number = "1",