Semiclassical L p estimates of quasimodes on curved hypersurfaces

Andrew Hassell, Melissa Tacy*

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    22 Citations (Scopus)


    Let M be a compact manifold of dimension n, P=P(h) a semiclassical pseudodifferential operator on M, and u=u(h) an L 2 normalized family of functions such that P(h)u(h) is O(h) in L 2(M) as h↓0. Let H⊂M be a compact submanifold of M. In a previous article, the second-named author proved estimates on the L p norms, p≥2, of u restricted to H, under the assumption that the u are semiclassically localized and under some natural structural assumptions about the principal symbol of P. These estimates are of the form Ch -δ(n,k,p) where k=dim H (except for a logarithmic divergence in the case k=n-2,p=2). When H is a hypersurface, i.e., k=n-1, we have δ(n,n-1,2)=1/4, which is sharp when M is the round n-sphere and H is an equator. In this article, we assume that H is a hypersurface, and make the additional geometric assumption that H is curved (in the sense of Definition 2.6 below) with respect to the bicharacteristic flow of P. Under this assumption we improve the estimate from δ=1/4 to 1/6, generalizing work of Burq-Gérard-Tzvetkov and Hu for Laplace eigenfunctions. To do this we apply the Melrose-Taylor theorem, as adapted by Pan and Sogge, for Fourier integral operators with folding canonical relations.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)74-89
    Number of pages16
    JournalJournal of Geometric Analysis
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2012


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