Shapes, softness, and nonyrast collectivity in

V. S. Prasher, A. J. Mitchell, C. J. Lister, P. Chowdhury, L. Afanasieva, M. Albers, C. J. Chiara, M. P. Carpenter, D. Cline, N. D'Olympia, C. J. Guess, A. B. Hayes, C. R. Hoffman, R. V.F. Janssens, B. P. Kay, T. L. Khoo, A. Korichi, T. Lauritsen, E. Merchan, Y. QiuD. Seweryniak, R. Shearman, S. K. Tandel, A. Verras, C. Y. Wu, S. Zhu

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    Nonyrast, excited states in neutron-rich were populated via inelastic-scattering reactions using beams of nuclei accelerated to 725 and 800 MeV. Levels populated in the reactions were investigated via particle- coincidence techniques using the Gammasphere array of high-purity germanium detectors and the compact heavy-ion counter, CHICO2. The (), and (octupole) rotational side bands were extended to spins , and , respectively. A staggering pattern observed in the energies of levels in the band was found to be consistent with a potential that gets softer to vibration in the degree of freedom with increasing spin. The odd-even staggering of states in the band was found to exhibit a phase opposite to that seen in the band; an effect most probably associated with Coriolis coupling to other, unobserved octupole vibrational bands in .

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number044318
    JournalPhysical Review C
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


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