Simple convergent-nozzle aerosol injector for single-particle diffractive imaging with X-ray free-electron lasers

R. A. Kirian, S. Awel, N. Eckerskorn, H. Fleckenstein, M. Wiedorn, L. Adriano, S. Bajt, M. Barthelmess, R. Bean, K. R. Beyerlein, L. M.G. Chavas, M. Domaracky, M. Heymann, D. A. Horke, J. Knoska, M. Metz, A. Morgan, D. Oberthuer, N. Roth, T. SatoP. L. Xavier, O. Yefanov, A. V. Rode, J. Küpper, H. N. Chapman

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    26 Citations (Scopus)


    A major challenge in high-resolution x-ray free-electron laser-based coherent diffractive imaging is the development of aerosol injectors that can efficiently deliver particles to the peak intensity of the focused X-ray beam. Here, we consider the use of a simple convergent-orifice nozzle for producing tightly focused beams of particles. Through optical imaging we show that 0.5 μm particles can be focused to a full-width at half maximum diameter of 4.2 μm, and we demonstrate the use of such a nozzle for injecting viruses into a micro-focused soft-X-ray FEL beam.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number041717
    JournalStructural Dynamics
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2015


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