Solving the Kohn Laplacian on asymptotically flat CR manifolds of dimension 3

Chin Yu Hsiao*, Po Lam Yung

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Let (X,T1,0X) be a compact orientable CR embeddable three dimensional strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold, where T1,0X is a CR structure on X. Fix a point p∈X and take a global contact form θ so that θ is asymptotically flat near p. Then (X,T1,0X,θ) is a pseudohermitian 3-manifold. Let Gp ∈ C(X\{p}), Gp > 0, with Gp(x)~ θ{symbol}(x, p)-2 near p, where θ{symbol} (x, y) denotes the natural pseudohermitian distance on X. Consider the new pseudohermitian 3-manifold with a blow-up of contact form (X\{p}, T1,0X, Gp2θ) and let □b denote the corresponding Kohn Laplacian on X\{p}. In this paper, we prove that the weighted Kohn Laplacian Gp2□b has closed range in L2 with respect to the weighted volume form Gp2θ∧dθ, and that the associated partial inverse and the Szegö projection enjoy some regularity properties near p. As an application, we prove the existence of some special functions in the kernel of □b that grow at a specific rate at p. The existence of such functions provides an important ingredient for the proof of a positive mass theorem in 3-dimensional CR geometry by Cheng, Malchiodi and Yang [5].

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)734-822
Number of pages89
JournalAdvances in Mathematics
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2015
Externally publishedYes


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