Species richness, endemism and rarity under climate change using the Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory

Shawn Laffan, Willow Hallgren, Linda Beaumont, Andrew Bowness, Lynda Chambers, Erin Graham, Hamish Holewa, Brendan Mackey, Henry A Nix, Jeff Price, Jeremy VanDerWal, Rachel Warren, Gerhard Weis

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


    The Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL; http://bccvl.org.au) is an integrated online tool for biodiversity-climate change modelling. It comprises five core components allowing researchers to (1) apply a suite of Species Distribution Models (SDMs), (2) combine SDM predictions using model ensembling, (3) project these SDMs into the future using alternate climate scenarios, (4) analyse species trait data, and (5) generate surfaces of biodiversity indices from the SDM outputs. The last component is the focus of this work.


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