Spectral approximation of elliptic operators by the hybrid high-order method

Victor Calo, Matteo Cicuttin, Quanling Deng*, Alexandre Ern

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We study the approximation of the spectrum of a second-order elliptic differential operator by the Hybrid High-Order (HHO) method. The HHO method is formulated using cell and face unknowns which are polynomials of some degree k ≥ 0. The key idea for the discrete eigenvalue problem is to introduce a discrete operator where the face unknowns have been eliminated. Using the abstract theory of spectral approximation of compact operators in Hilbert spaces, we prove that the eigenvalues converge as h 2t and the eigenfunctions as h t in the H 1 -seminorm, where h is the mesh-size, t ∈ [s, k + 1] depends on the smoothness of the eigenfunctions, and s > 1/2 results from the elliptic regularity theory. The convergence rates for smooth eigenfunctions are thus h 2k+2 for the eigenvalues and h k+1 for the eigenfunctions. Our theoretical findings, which improve recent error estimates for Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods, are verified on various numerical examples including smooth and non-smooth eigenfunctions. Moreover, we observe numerically in one dimension for smooth eigenfunctions that the eigenvalues superconverge as h 2k+4 for a specific value of the stabilization parameter.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1559-1586
Number of pages28
JournalMathematics of Computation
Issue number318
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2018
Externally publishedYes


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