Spectroscopic confirmation of supernovae from the La Silla - QUEST survey

C. O'Neill, E. Hadjiyska, E. S. Walker, D. Rabinowitz, C. Baltay, N. Ellman, R. McKinnon, U. Feindt, A. Kim, P. Nugent, R. C. Thomas, C. Lidman, R. Sharp, S. A. Uddin

Research output: Other contribution


We report optical spectroscopy by the OzDES collaboration of supernova candidates discovered by the La Silla-QUEST survey (see Hadjiyska et al., ATel #3812). The spectra (350-900 nm) of these objects were obtained at the Anglo-Australian Telescope with AAOmega-2dF observed by C. Lidman, R. Sharp, and S. A. Uddin. Classifications were performed using Superfit (Howell et al 2002, BAAS, 34, 1256) or SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2013

Publication series

NameThe Astronomer's Telegram


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