Spectroscopy and high-spin structure of Fr 210: Isomerism and potential evidence for configuration mixing

V. Margerin, G. J. Lane, G. D. Dracoulis, N. Palalani, M. L. Smith, A. E. Stuchbery

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


    The structure of Fr210 has been established up to an excitation energy of ∼5.5 MeV and spins of ∼25, via time-correlated γ-ray spectroscopy and using the Au197(O18,5n)Fr210 reaction with pulsed beams at an energy of 97 MeV. A significantly different level scheme has been obtained compared to previous publications. Several isomers are reported here, including a Jπ=(23)+,τ=686(9)-ns state at 4417 keV and a 10-, 29.8(11)-ns state at 1113 keV. The former isomer has been associated with the π(h9/23i13/22)ν(p1/2-2f5/2-1) configuration and decays via proposed E3 transitions with strengths of 8.4(3) and 21.2(8) W.u. There are only very few known cases of a high-spin isomer decaying via two parallel E3 transitions. Indeed, this is not seen in other Fr nuclei, and consequently these strengths differ from related decays in the neighboring isotopes. However, by examining the systematics of E3 transitions in trans-lead nuclei, we suggest that the weaker of the two transitions decays to a mixed 20- state. Systematics of the 10- isomer are also discussed. Comparisons are made between the observed spectrum of states and those predicted from semiempirical shell-model calculations.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number064309
    JournalPhysical Review C
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2016


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