Spin-Polarized Photon Emission by Resonant Multipolar Nanoantennas

Sergey S. Kruk, Manuel Decker, Isabelle Staude, Stefan Schlecht, Michael Greppmair, Dragomir N. Neshev*, Yuri S. Kivshar

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    77 Citations (Scopus)


    We demonstrate nanoscale spin control of photons emitted by an atomic system coupled to a compact plasmonic nanoantenna supporting phase-locked interference of different multipolar moments within a single resonance. Experimentally we observe chiral light emission from quantum dots over split-ring resonant nanoantennas, where the spin of the emitted photons is locked to their transverse momentum. We demonstrate that the polarization can vary from linear to elliptical with ellipticity reaching ±0.5 for emission into opposite halves of the symmetry plane of the nanoantenna. (Chemical Equation Presented).

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1218-1223
    Number of pages6
    JournalACS Photonics
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2014


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