Structure, Magnetic Behavior, and Anisotropy of Homoleptic Trinuclear Lanthanoid 8-Quinolinolate Complexes

Nicholas F. Chilton, Glen B. Deacon, Olga Gazukin, Peter C. Junk, Berthold Kersting, Stuart K. Langley, Boujemaa Moubaraki, Keith S. Murray, Frederik Schleife, Mahasish Shome, David R. Turner, Julia A. Walker

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41 Citations (Scopus)


Three complexes of the form [LnIII3(OQ)9] (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy; OQ = 8-quinolinolate) have been synthesized and their magnetic properties studied. The trinuclear complexes adopt V-shaped geometries with three bridging 8-quinolinolate oxygen atoms between the central and peripheral eight-coordinate metal atoms. The magnetic properties of these three complexes differ greatly. Variable-temperature direct-current (dc) magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that the gadolinium and terbium complexes display weak antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor magnetic exchange interactions. This was quantified in the isotropic gadolinium case with an exchangecoupling parameter of J = −0.068(2) cm–1. The dysprosium compound displays weak ferromagnetic exchange. Variable-frequency and -temperature alternating-current magnetic susceptibility measurements on the anisotropic cases reveal that the dysprosium complex displays single-molecule-magnet behavior, in zero dc field, with two distinct relaxation modes of differing time scales within the same molecule. Analysis of the data revealed anisotropy barriers of Ueff = 92 and 48 K for the two processes. The terbium complex, on the other hand, displays no such behavior in zero dc field, but upon application of a static dc field, slow magnetic relaxation can be observed. Ab initio and electrostatic calculations were used in an attempt to explain the origin of the experimentally observed slow relaxation of the magnetization for the dysprosium complex.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2528-2534
Number of pages7
JournalInorganic Chemistry
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 12 Feb 2014


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