Synthetic chloride-selective carbon nanotubes examined by using molecular and stochastic dynamics

Tamsyn A. Hilder, Dan Gordon, Shin Ho Chung

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    27 Citations (Scopus)


    Synthetic channels, such as nanotubes, offer the possibility of ion-selective nanoscale pores which can broadly mimic the functions of various biological ion channels, and may one day be used as antimicrobial agents, or for treatment of cystic fibrosis. We have designed a carbon nanotube that is selectively permeable to anions. The virtual nanotubes are constructed from a hexagonal array of carbon atoms (graphene) rolled up to form a tubular structure, with an effective radius of 4.53Å and length of 34 A. The pore ends are terminated with polar carbonyl groups. The nanotube thus formed is embedded in a lipid bilayer and a reservoir containing ioNic solutions is added at each end of the pore. The conductance properties of these synthetic channels are then examined with molecular and stochastic dynamics simulations. Profiles of the potential of mean force at 0 mM reveal that a cation moving across the pore encounters an insurmountable free energy barrier of ∼25 k T in height. In contrast, for anions, there are two energy wells of ∼12 k T near each end of the tube, separated by a central free energy barrier of 4 k T. The conductance of the pore, with symmetrical 500 mM solutions in the reservoirs, is 72 pS at 100 mV. The current saturates with an increasing ioNic concentration, obeying a Michaelis-Menten relationship. The pore is normally occupied by two ions, and the rate-limiting step in conduction is the time taken for the resident ion near the exit gate to move out of the energy well.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1734-1742
    Number of pages9
    JournalBiophysical Journal
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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