Syzygy divisors on Hurwitz spaces

Anand Deopurkar, Anand Patel

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    We describe a sequence of effective divisors on the Hurwitz space Hd,g for d dividing g 1 and compute their cycle classes on a partial cornpactification. These divisors arise from vector bundles of syzygies canonically associated to a branched cover. We find that the cycle classes are all proportional to each other. These computations are motivated by the question of determining the effective cone and ultimately the birational type of H-d,H-g.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventHigher Genus Curves in Mathematical Physics and Arithmetic Geometry - Seattle, USA
    Duration: 1 Jan 2018 → …


    ConferenceHigher Genus Curves in Mathematical Physics and Arithmetic Geometry
    Period1/01/18 → …
    OtherJanuary 8 2016


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