Test of the generalized Brink-Axel hypothesis in Ni 64,65

L. Crespo Campo*, M. Guttormsen, F. L. Bello Garrote, T. K. Eriksen, F. Giacoppo, A. Görgen, K. Hadynska-Klek, M. Klintefjord, A. C. Larsen, T. Renstrøm, E. Sahin, S. Siem, A. Springer, T. G. Tornyi, G. M. Tveten

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    17 Citations (Scopus)


    Previously published particle-γ coincidence data on the Ni64(p,p′γ)Ni64 and Ni64(d,pγ)Ni65 reactions were further analyzed to study the statistical properties of γ decay in Ni64,65. To do so, the γ decay to the quasicontinuum region and discrete low-lying states was investigated at γ-ray energies of 2.0-9.6 and 1.6-6.1 MeV in Ni64 and Ni65, respectively. In particular, the dependence of the γ-strength function with initial and final excitation energy was studied to test the validity of the generalized Brink-Axel hypothesis. Finally, the role of fluctuations in transition strengths was estimated as a function of γ-ray and excitation energy. The γ-strength function is consistent with the hypothesis of the independence of initial excitation energy, in accordance with the generalized Brink-Axel hypothesis. The results show that the γ decay to low-lying levels displays large fluctuations for low initial excitation energies.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number054303
    JournalPhysical Review C
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2018


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