The changing character of warfare

Robert Ayson

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Introduction The discipline of International Relations owes its origins to the study of war and peace. But do the wars of the early twenty-first century differ so fundamentally from their predecessors that they need to be considered in quite different ways? This chapter provides a barometer on the character of warfare and its implications for contemporary international relations. It begins with some comments on the diverse ends and means of warfare before considering five leading issues: the role of violence in warfare, the extent to which that violence is organised, the political nature of war, the interactive nature of warfare, and the scope and scale of war. The overall argument presented here is that while war today may look rather different to wars of earlier periods, much of its essential nature has remained intact. This should make us a bit sceptical about claims that the role of war in international relations has somehow been revolutionised. The diversity of warfare Students of International Relations need little reminding that they are traversing a discipline whose leading concepts are hotly contested. But we might be excused for supposing that the meaning and character of something as concrete as war would be an open and shut case. As this author has indicated elsewhere (Ayson 2006: 10–24) the field which looks at the place of war in international politics – strategic studies – often avoids endless debates about meaning and terminology, let alone theory.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAn Introduction to International Relations
    Subtitle of host publicationAustralian Perspectives
    PublisherCambridge University Press
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Electronic)9781139168557
    ISBN (Print)9780521682763
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007


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