The density distribution and physical origins of intermittency in supersonic, highly magnetized turbulence with diverse modes of driving

James R. Beattie*, Philip Mocz, Christoph Federrath, Ralf S. Klessen

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    7 Citations (Scopus)


    The probability density function (PDF) of the logarithmic density contrast, s = ln (ρ/ρ0), with gas density ρ and mean density ρ0, for hydrodynamical supersonic turbulence is well known to have significant non-Gaussian (intermittent) features that monotonically increase with the turbulent Mach number, M. By studying the mass- and volume-weighted s-PDF for an ensemble of 36 sub-to-trans-Alfvenic mean-field, supersonic, isothermal turbulence simulations with different modes of driving, relevant to molecular gas in the cool interstellar medium, we show that a more intricate picture emerges for the non-Gaussian nature of s. Using four independent measures of the non-Gaussian components, we find hydrodynamical-like structure in the highly magnetized plasma for M≲4. However, for M≳4, the non-Gaussian signatures disappear, leaving approximately Gaussian s-statistics - exactly the opposite of hydrodynamical turbulence in the high-M limit. We also find that the non-Gaussian components of the PDF increase monotonically with more compressive driving modes. To understand the M≲4 non-Gaussian features, we use one-dimensional pencil beams to explore the dynamics along and across the large-scale magnetic field, B0. We discuss kinetic, density, and magnetic field fluctuations from the pencil beams, and identify physical sources of non-Gaussian components to the PDF as single, strong shocks coupled to fast magnetosonic compressions that form along B0. We discuss the Gaussianization of the M≳4 s-fields through the lens of two phenomenologies: the self-similarity of the s-field and homogenization of the dynamical time-scales between the over- and underdense regions in the compressible gas.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)5003-5031
    Number of pages29
    JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022


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