The development of a finite element model for simulating the stamp forming of fibre-metal laminates

Luke Mosse*, Paul Compston, Wesley J. Cantwell, Michael Cardew-Hall, Shankar Kalyanasundaram

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    56 Citations (Scopus)


    A finite element model for simulating the stamp forming of fibre-metal laminate material systems will encompass many aspects of both thermoplastic composite forming and metal stamp forming as well as interaction phenomenon between the laminate layers. This paper investigates the composite-metal interaction by studying the crystallisation behaviour of the interlayer adhesive and its shear stress transfer characteristics using lap-shear apparatus. A model utilising the data obtained from these tests is proposed and the underlying concept of shear stress transfer between laminate layers is justified by comparing results from a finite elements simulation incorporating an interface model with experimental results.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)298-304
    Number of pages7
    JournalComposite Structures
    Issue number1-4
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2006


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