The Doubters’ Dilemma: Exploring student attrition and retention in university Language & Culture programs

Daniel Martin, Louise Jansen, Beth Beckmann

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


    What makes students decide to study a language at university? What makes those same students decide to continue or stop studying a language? As university academics and administrators supporting language and culture (L&C) studies, how do we quantify these decisions of students in ways that provide effective input into resourcing? How do we know if there are more students giving up on their L&C studies than on their studies in other disciplines, and whether this indicates a problem with L&C teaching? Is there anything that can, or should, be done to help students stay in L&C programs?2At the very least, universities should be able to measure accurately the rates at which students leave or stay in L&C majors. Ideally, universities should also understand exactly which factorssuch as teaching style, workloads, or student characteristicsaffect attrition and retention, and which are most influential.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationCanberra
    PublisherANU Press
    Number of pages210
    ISBN (Print)9781760460457
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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