The impact of asking about interest in free nicotine patches on smoker-s stated intent to change: Real effect or artefact of question ordering?

John A. Cunningham*, Vladyslav Kushnir, Jim McCambridge

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)


    Introduction: Stage of change questions are often included on general population surveys to assess the proportion of current smokers intending to quit. The current study reported on a methodological experiment to establish whether participant-s self-reported stage of change can be influenced by asking about interest in free nicotine patches immediately prior to asking about intent to change. Methods: As part of an ongoing random digit dialing survey, a randomized half of participants were asked if they would be interested in receiving nicotine patches to help them quit smoking prior to being asked whether they intended to quit smoking in the next 6 months and 30 days. Results: Participants who were first asked about interest in free nicotine patches were more likely to rate themselves as in preparation for change (asked first = 33%; not asked first = 19%), and less likely to rate themselves as in the precontemplation stage of change (asked first = 34%; not asked first = 47%), compared with participants who were not asked about their interest in free nicotine patches prior to being asked about their stage of change (P < .001). Conclusions: There are several possible explanations of the results. It is possible that offers of free nicotine patches increases smokers intentions to quit, at least temporarily. Alternatively, smokers being asked about interest in free nicotine patches may expect that the researchers would like to hear about people intending to quit, and respond accordingly.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numberntv144
    Pages (from-to)1215-1217
    Number of pages3
    JournalNicotine and Tobacco Research
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2016


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