The Impact of Hosts on Type Ia Supernovae Cosmology

Syed Ashraf Uddin, Jeremy Mould, Chris Lidman

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


We compile a sample of 595 spectroscopically confirmed Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia), with consistently derived host galaxy properties such as stellar mass, specific star-formation rate and projected distances of SNe Ia from host centers, from the CSP, CfA, SDSS, and SNLS surveys. Our results confirm previous findings that SNe Ia are on average significantly brighter in more massive and low-specific star-formation rate hosts after correcting for light-curve parameters. We study, for the first time, the variation of SNe Ia - host correlations with redshift and detect no evolution. We find new evidence that the slope of the stretch-luminosity relation is steeper in SNe Ia that are exploding farther out from host centers and confirm previous finding that the slope of the color-luminosity relation is shallower in massive hosts. We split the sample into pairs of subsets that are based on the properties of the hosts, and fit cosmological models to each subset. We do not find any dependence of the cosmology between the pairs of subsets used. Among different subsets, we find SNe Ia in high-specific star-formation rate have the least intrinsic scatter in luminosity, which supports theoretical prediction. Host stellar mass is the dominant host property for the observed correlations. Adding host mass as the third correction factor in distance measurement, we find no significant change in the measurements of cosmological parameters. Furthermore, we show that the best-fit cosmology is not biased between the SNe Ia samples where redshifts come from hosts and SNe Ia respectively - an important result for future SNe Ia cosmology surveys, such as the Dark Energy Survey.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2015


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