The Lichen genus Pertusaria (ascomycota) in central Africa (congo/kivu. Rwanda and burundi) and Western Kenya

Alan W. Archer, John A. Elix, Eberhard Fischer, Dorothee Killmann, Emmanuël Sérusiaux

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    12 Citations (Scopus)


    The available collections of the lichen genus Pertusaria from the eastern parts of Central Africa (mainly in the Albertine Rift in Congo/Kivu. Burundi and Rwanda) and Western Kenya yielded 21 species. Four are described as new for science: Pertusaria fosseyae. P. kinigiensis. P. krogiae and P. lambinonii. The following species are new reports for Africa: P. commutata. P. maritima. P. melanostoma. P. mesotropa. P. microstoma. P. orarensis. P. pilosula. P. rigida. P. scaberula. P. subplanaica. P. subrigida. P. valliculata. and P. verruculifera. The following are reduced into synonymy: Pertusaria amboimensis with P. leioplacella. P. macrostomoides. P. prolifera and P. norstictica with P. endoxantha. P. kahuziensis with P. velata. and P. robsonii with P. limbata. P. aberdarensis is suspected to be a synonym of P. rigida. An identification key to all species is provided. The type collections of three further species described from Africa have been examined: P. kigomensis. P. regenerans and P. rhodesica.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)309-333
    Number of pages25
    JournalNova Hedwigia
    Issue number3-4
    Publication statusPublished - May 2009


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