The long-lived fertility signature of Cu–Au porphyry systems: insights from apatite and zircon at Tampakan, Philippines

L. A. Parra-Avila*, J. Hammerli, A. I.S. Kemp, B. Rohrlach, R. Loucks, Y. Lu, I. S. Williams, L. Martin, M. P. Roberts, M. L. Fiorentini

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    18 Citations (Scopus)


    The essential sources and processes required for the formation of Cu–(Au)-porphyry deposits have been part of a long-standing debate. In this study we investigate one of the youngest and best-preserved world-class Cu–(Au)-porphyry systems in order to learn more about melt sources and what geochemical tracers in zircon and apatite might be useful to identify ore-forming intrusions within porphyry systems. Combined, in-situ Hf, O, and Nd isotope analyses in zircon and apatite imply that the Tampakan magmas were derived from depleted mantle sources. Hence, we suggest that older crustal components or metasomatized mantle are not required for the production of metallogenically fertile magmas in island arc settings. Based on the compositions of apatite and zircon, we confirm that previously established fertility-indicator signatures of these minerals are useful to identify fertile porphyry systems. Our data show that intrusions directly associated with mineralization events contain apatite with elevated Cl and S concentrations compared to pre- and post- mineralization igneous events.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number18
    JournalContributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2022


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