The New Latino Boom in the United States and Se habla español: An Interview with Mayra Santos-Febres

Mayra Santos Febres, Thomas Nulley-Valdes

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationGeneral Article


    An English translation of an interview conducted with the Puerto Rican author Mayra Santos Febres centred on her identity as a Puerto Rican writer of African descent, her relationship with the United States, her literary generation and its relationship with literary anthologies, as well as the collective generational project. It was conducted on the basis of her involvement in the anthology Se habla español: voces latinas en USA [We speak Spanish: Latin voices in the USA] (2000), which represented a starting point for what is gradually being recognized as a New Latino Boom in the United States.
    Original languageSpanish
    Specialist publicationLatin American Literature Today
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2019


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