The New Special Relationship: The U.S.-Australia Alliance Deepens

Robert Gill, Tom Switzer

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationGeneral Article


    Owen Harries, the Welsh-born Australian editor of The National Interest, once remarked that Americans needed good peripheral vision to be able to find Australia on a map. When the country did get attention, as often as not it was either for some natural calamity (floods, bushfires, shark attacks) or else for its charms as a holiday destination. Those days are over. Australia now figures more prominently in U.S. foreign policy than at any time since 194245, when Australian combat troops served under General Douglas MacArthur and scores of U.S. air and naval bases and army camps were stationed Down Under.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationForeign Affairs
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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