The ongoing impact of the El Nino drought and frosts in Papua New Guinea

Mike Bourke, Bryant Allen, Michael Lowe

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationGeneral Article


    During 2015, much of rural Papua New Guinea (PNG) has been harshly impacted by a severe drought and, at a number of very high altitude locations, by repeated frosts. The impact is similar, but not identical, to that of the major 1997 drought and frosts. The El Niño associated drought had a major impact on water supply in very many parts of PNG, with negative impacts on school operations, womens labour and villagers health. Wildfires have caused considerable damage to buildings, forest and grasslands in some locations. In many locations, subsistence food supply is affected and rural villagers are short of food. There are strong indications of an increase in the crude death rate in several remote locations, as well as claims for a higher than normal death rate in other locations
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationDevpolicy Blog
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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