The political economy of reform: labour after Soeharto

Christopher Manning

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The dramatic changes of 1998 in the political and economic environment brought to the fore tensions between economic and social policy that had simmered near the surface for three decades under Soeharto. These strains were felt acutely especially in areas where the interests of large, disadvantaged, social groups were perceived to have been sacrificed in the quest for faster economic growth and crony business expansion. In several key areas where economic and social policy intersect, such as labour, agricultural policy and land rights, since Soeharto fell there has been a significant shift in favour of social groups disadvantaged during the New Order. This chapter focuses on one such group, wage workers in the formal sector.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSoeharto's New Order and its Legacy: Essays in honour of Harold Crouch
EditorsEdward Aspinall & Greg Fealy
Place of PublicationCanberra Australia
PublisherANU ePress
ISBN (Print)9781921666469
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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