The role of cognitive and visual abilities as predictors in the Multifactorial Model of Driving Safety

Kaarin J. Anstey*, Mark S. Horswill, Joanne M. Wood, Christopher Hatherly

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    140 Citations (Scopus)


    Objective: The current study evaluated part of the Multifactorial Model of Driving Safety to elucidate the relative importance of cognitive function and a limited range of standard measures of visual function in relation to the Capacity to Drive Safely. Capacity to Drive Safely was operationalized using three validated screening measures for older drivers. These included an adaptation of the well validated Useful Field of View (UFOV) and two newer measures, namely a Hazard Perception Test (HPT), and a Hazard Change Detection Task (HCDT). Method: Community dwelling drivers (n = 297) aged 65-96 were assessed using a battery of measures of cognitive and visual function. Results: Factor analysis of these predictor variables yielded factors including Executive/Speed, Vision (measured by visual acuity and contrast sensitivity), Spatial, Visual Closure, and Working Memory. Cognitive and Vision factors explained 83-95% of age-related variance in the Capacity to Drive Safely. Spatial and Working Memory were associated with UFOV, HPT and HCDT, Executive/Speed was associated with UFOV and HCDT and Vision was associated with HPT. Conclusion: The Capacity to Drive Safely declines with chronological age, and this decline is associated with age-related declines in several higher order cognitive abilities involving manipulation and storage of visuospatial information under speeded conditions. There are also age-independent effects of cognitive function and vision that determine driving safety.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)766-774
    Number of pages9
    JournalAccident Analysis and Prevention
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2012


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