The role of 'foundation stories' in Islamic State narratives

Haroro Ingram, Kiriloi Ingram

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


    Foundation stories play a crucial role in Islamic State (IS) narratives. In fact, the group draws on three historically distinct but narratively interwoven foundation stories in its messages. The first, and most important, is Islams foundation story centring on the Prophet Muhammad and the salafs (Islams first community of believers). IS also leverages an organisational foundation story that focuses around the groups founder Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Finally, IS narratives perpetuate a multifaceted contemporary foundation story that highlights the disasters of modern history (e.g. colonisation) as the context from which IS frames its members as the architects of a living historical narrative that will purge true Muslims of their shameful recent history and return them to past glories. These foundation stories provide a diverse array of historical figures and events, ideological precedence and powerful politico-military examples from which IS selectively draws. IS messaging leverages these foundation stories through more than just its narratives but also its imagery and symbolism. This paper explores how IS strategically interweaves these three foundation stories into its messaging to legitimise its politico-military agenda, appeal to transnational communities of support and propagate a narrative designed to shape perceptions, polarise support and mobilise its members towards action
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalFoundational Histories: Australian Historical Association Conference 2015
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    EventFoundational Histories: Australian Historical Association Conference 2015 - University of Sydney
    Duration: 1 Jan 2015 → …


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