The Role of Slab Remnants in Modulating Free Subduction Dynamics: A 3-D Spherical Numerical Study

Fangqin Chen, D. Rhodri Davies*, Saskia Goes, Lior Suchoy, Stephan C. Kramer

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Seismic tomography of Earth's mantle images abundant slab remnants, often located in close proximity to active subduction systems. The impact of such remnants on the dynamics of subduction remains underexplored. Here, we use simulations of multi-material free subduction in a 3-D spherical shell geometry to examine the interaction between visco-plastic slabs and remnants that are positioned above, within and below the mantle transition zone. Depending on their size, negatively buoyant remnants can set up mantle flow of similar strength and length scales as that due to active subduction. As such, we find that remnants located within a few hundred km from a slab tip can locally enhance sinking by up to a factor 2. Remnant location influences trench motion: the trench advances toward a remnant positioned in the mantle wedge region, whereas remnants in the sub-slab region enhance trench retreat. These motions aid in rotating the subducting slab and remnant toward each other, reducing the distance between them, and further enhancing the positive interaction of their mantle flow fields. In this process, the trench develops along-strike variations in shape that are dependent on the remnant's location. Slab-remnant interactions may explain the poor correlation between subducting plate velocities and subducting plate age found in recent plate tectonic reconstructions. Our results imply that slab-remnant interactions affect the evolution of subducting slabs and trench geometry. Remnant-induced downwelling may also anchor and sustain subduction systems, facilitate subduction initiation, and contribute to plate reorganization events.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2023GC011180
JournalGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


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