The tectonic significance of the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain in the SE Brazilian margin: A Paleoproterozoic through Cretaceous saga of a reworked continental margin

Renata Da Silva Schmitt*, Rudolph Trouw, William Randall Van Schmus, Richard Armstrong, Natasha S.Gomes Stanton

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    62 Citations (Scopus)


    The Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain is composed of a Paleoproterozoic basement tectonically interleaved with Neoproterozoic supracrustal rocks (Buzios-Palmital successions). It is in contact with the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Ribeira Orogen along the SE Brazilian coast. The basement was part of at least three continental margins: (a) 1.97 Ga; (b) 0.59 - 0.53 Ga; (c) 0.14 Ga to today. It consists of continental magmatic arc rocks of 1.99 to 1.94 Ga. Zircon cores show a 2.5 - 2.6 Ga inheritance from the ancient margin of the Congo Craton. During the Ediacaran, this domain was thinned and intruded by tholeiitic mafic dykes during the development of an oceanic basin at ca. 0.59 Ma. After the tectonic inversion, these basin deposits reached high P-T metamorphic conditions, by subduction of the oceanic lithosphere, and were later exhumed as nappes over the basement. The Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain collided with the arc domain of the Ribeira Orogen at ca. 0.54 Ga. It is not an exotic block, but the eastern transition between this orogen and the Congo Craton. Almost 400 m.y. later, the South Atlantic rift zone followed roughly this suture, not coincidently. It shows how the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain was reactivated as a continental margin in successive extensional and convergent events through geological time.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)37-66
    Number of pages30
    JournalBrazilian Journal of Geology
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016


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