The VMC ESO Public Survey

M.-R. L Cioni, Peter Anders, Gemma Bagheri, Kenji Bekki, G Clementini, J. P. Emerson, C. J. Evans, Bi-Qing For, Richard de Grijs, Bradley K Gibson, L Girardi, M. A. T. Groenewegen, Roald Guandalini, M Gullieuszik, V D Ivanov, D Kamath, M Marconi, J B Marquette, B. Miszalski, Ben MooreM I Moretti, T. Muraveva, R Napiwotzki, J M Oliveira, Andres E Piatti, V Ripepi, Krista Romita, S Rubele, Richard Sturm, Ben Tatton, Jacco Th van Loon, Mark, I. Wilkinson, Peter Wood, S Zaggia

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The VISTA near-infrared YJKs survey of the Magellanic Clouds system (VMC) has entered its core phase: about 40% of the observations across the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC, SMC), the Magellanic Bridge and Stream have already been secured and the data are processed and analysed regularly. The initial analyses, concentrated in the first two completed tiles in the LMC (6_6 including 30 Doradus and 8_8 including the South Ecliptic Pole), show the superior quality of the data. The depth of the VMC survey allows the derivation of the star formation history (SFH) with unprecedented quality compared to previous wide-area surveys while reddening maps of high angular resolution are constructed using red clump stars. The multi epoch Ks-band data reveal tight period luminosity relations for variable stars and they permit the measurement of accurate proper motions of the stellar populations. The VMC survey continues to acquire data that will address many issues in the field of star and galaxy evolution
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)23-25
    JournalThe Messenger
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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