Towards a national strategy to guide how employment participation is enhanced for older workers

Jack Noone, Gemma Carey, Tinh Doan

    Research output: Other contribution


    In this original post, Jack Noone ((@DrJackNoone), Gemma Carey (@GemCarey) both of the Centre for Social Impact, UNSW (@SWIsocialimpact) and Tinh Doan from The Australian National University) (@scienceANU) discuss the need for a national strategy to guide how employment participation is enhanced for older workers. Researchers, governments, social enterprises, community groups, employers, advocacy organisations and other stakeholder groups are all working to remove the barriers to employment. However, without a national strategy to guide these activities, there is a risk of duplication and inefficiency. A national strategy, in contrast, would allow stakeholder to connect, coordinate, collaborate and use resources wisely.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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