Transcriptome profiling of melaleuca quinquenervia challenged by myrtle rust reveals differences in defense responses among resistant individuals

Ji Fan Hsieh*, Aaron Chuah, Harelip R. Patel, Karanjeet S. Sandhu, William J. Foley, Carsten Kiilheim

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    19 Citations (Scopus)


    Plants have developed complex defense mechanisms to protect themselves against pathogens. A wide-host-rangc fungus. Austmpuceinia psidii. which has caused severe damage to ecosystems and plantations worldwide, is a major threat to Australian ecosystems dominated by members of the family Myrtaccac. In particular, the cast coast wetland foundation tree species iMelaleuca quinquenervia, appears to be variably susceptible to this pathogen. Understanding the molecular basis of host resistance would enable better management of this rust disease. We identified resistant and susceptible individuals of M. quinquenervia and explored their differential gene expression in order to discover the molecular basis of resistance against A. psidii. Rust screening of gcrmplasm showed a varying degree of respoase, with fully resistant to highly susceptible individuals. We used transcriptome profiling in samples collected before and at 5 days postinoculation (dpi). Differential gene expression analysis showed that numerous defense-related genes were induced in susceptible plants at 5 dpi. Mapping reads agaiast the A. psidii genome showed that only susceptible plants contained fungal-derived transcripts. Resistant plants exhibited an ovcrexpression of candidate A. psidii resistance-related genes such as receptor-like kinases, nucleotide-binding ate lcucinc-rich repeat proteins, glutathione S-Transfcrascs. WRKY transcriptional regulators, and pathogcncsis- rclatod protcias. We identified large differences in the expression of defense - rclatod genes among resistant individuals.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)495-509
    Number of pages15
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2018


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