Ultraviolet photoabsorption in the B 3Σ- − X 3Σ- and C 3Π − X 3Σ- band systems of SO sulphur isotopologues

A. N. Heays*, G. Stark, J. R. Lyons, N. de Oliveira, B. R. Lewis, S. T. Gibson

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    High-resolution far-ultraviolet broadband Fourier-transform photoabsorption spectra of 32S16O, 33S16O, 34S16O, and 36S16O are recorded in a microwave discharge seeded with SO2. The (Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.) bands are observed or inferred in the (Formula presented.) –51,000 cm−1 (196 to 233 nm) spectral range. This is the first experimental detection of a (Formula presented.) level and of any of these observed bands in an S-substituted isotopologue. Additional measurements of (Formula presented.) provide a calibration of the SO column density. Measured band profiles are fitted to an effective-Hamiltonian model of coupled excited B 3Σ and C 3Π states along with their predissociation linewidths and absorption band strengths. Electronic-state potential-energy curves and transition moments are deduced. The end result is a list of line frequencies, f-values, and dissociation widths describing the far-ultraviolet photodissociation spectrum of SO that is accurate enough for computing atmospheric photolytic isotope-fractionation. Linelists, and photoabsorption and photodissociation cross sections are available as supplementary data.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere2153092
    JournalMolecular Physics
    Issue number17-18
    Publication statusPublished - 2023


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